Every now and then I get the bug to build another model yacht. I have built a few over the years and I still enjoy sailing them occasionally.
Below are photos of most of the model yachts that I have made. I still have a couple of these models but some have been given away to young people who have wanted to get into sailing.
This is a One Metre model yacht (Ragtime) that I built and have sailed for about 18 years. The hull is planked with two different coloured timbers giving a distinct striped effect. It has been a great model yacht and still sails well.

Three of my early model yachts. A 36R, a 1 Metre and a 10 Rater.
This is not really a model yacht but it still sails around so I thought that I would add it to this page. This is a Pearling Lugger scratch built from a variety of different timbers. It sails alright in light winds and looks good on the water.
Another model that is not really a yacht. This is a scratch built model based on the plans of the static model of the Endeavour that I built. A detachable keel was bolted to the bottom of the hull to help keep it upright when sailing. I also fitted a small electric motor and prop to help sail into the wind. The sails were fixed in position with the rudder and motor under radio control.