Recently I have started tinkering with 1:350 scale plastic kits. The variety of models available at this scale is growing all of the time. The major plastic kit manufacturers are supplemented by many smaller companies and individuals producing resin kits and aftermarket resin and photo etched parts. I have purchased a few kits and I have enjoyed the challenges of working at these smaller sized model ships.
Even with the variety of models available there is still very little in the way of Australian ships at this scale. In an effort to satisfy my curiosity about building at this scale I have started to play with the idea of making some resin models myself.
I have started a few hulls in 1:350 scale for Australian ships and I am slowly working up to moulding most of the major components for several of these models. This is another long term project and I am learning as I go. I would like to be able to complete a number of unique Australian ships eventually.
Photos below show the models that I have been working on so far.